Do you watch Lost? If not, you might just be better for it – it’s pretty damn addicting and gets very frustrating when you can’t watch more than one episode at once (i.e., during regular seasonal broadcasts). In any case, whether you watch Lost or not, something happened on tonight’s episode that’s Red Sox related, so by God I’m going to blog about it.
Some background: imagine you’re stuck on a tropical island after your plane broke apart. It’s been 69 days since you crashed and you’ve tried everything you can think of to get away – especially since things have gotten very weird on this island and people who weren’t on the plane with you have started kidnapping people who were on the plane. All of a sudden, you find yourself captured by these people and locked in a tank that used to house dolphins and sharks and they start trying to get you to do things for them. Not bad things, mind you (or so we, the audience, think), but things must be done. And then they’ll send you home.
But the thing is you’re not entirely sure that these people really can send you home. They claim they’ve lived there all their lives, after all – how do you know they can reach the outside world. So they give you proof: news events. You crashed in September, 2004. It’s now November. President Bush has won the election. Christopher Reeve has passed away. And the Red Sox won the World Series. And to prove it, they show the final seconds of Game 4, as Foulke tosses the ball to Mientkiewicz…and that’s what proves to you they’re not lying. How incredibly powerful is that? It’s a ridiculously important moment in the life of any Red Sox fan, but all of the sudden it becomes a moment of validation for someone thousands of miles away who didn't have any hope of ever seeing home again. And that’s pretty cool.
Schadenfreude 359 (A Continuing Series)
2 months ago