Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Let's just say it's not a collect call


Theo: Ummm, hello?

Voice: …who is this!? It’s 3 in the morning!

Theo: OH sorry. It’s just… well… this is Theo Epstein …General Manager of the Red Sox? And we uhhhh… just won the bid to talk to Mr. Matsuzaka and… umm well, I couldn’t wait… sorry about the time. Is… is he there?

Voice: This is highly unusual.

Theo: Sorry! I’m so sorry! I… just got really excited is all… I didn’t mean…

Voice: Yes…well I am his interpreter. And we were expecting a call for SOMEONE tonight.

Theo: Oh great, great. Again really sorry about the time… I just wondered if… you know… he wanted to talk and… stuff.

Interpreter: One moment please. I shall see if my employer is available. Just a moment if you will.

Theo: Yeah, no, yeah no problem.





Interpreter: Hello? Mr. Epstein?

Theo: … OH sorry sorry, hey you’re back. What’s up?

Interpreter: I have turned on the speaker phone. Matsuzaka-san can hear you and I will translate. Are you ready sir?

Theo: (giggles) Ok, yeah… ummm… hey… Daisuke dude. How ya doin?

Interpreter: He says he is well. And your phone call honors him.

Theo: What? Oh that’s so cool! He’s so cool. So uhhh… ask him what he likes… like what kinda stuff does he like? Does he like music? Has he heard my band?

Interpreter: Really, Mr. Epstein! I must question your intentions… talking to my employer in such a manner.

Theo: Huh? Oh sorry sorry dude, just tell him I think he’s awesome and I can’t wait to… like negotiate with him… and like hang out… cause he sounds like a really cool guy…

Interpreter: Mr. Epstein, please it is very late…

Theo: … and tell him we can get him all kinds of awesome American stuff… and if he likes fish… that like Boston has like awesome seafood…. and I can like get him into places… cause I know some guys…

Interpreter: I am sorry Mr. Epstein but we must continue this conversation at a later date. Preferably during the day.

Theo: Oh no… really? Ok… ummm… ok. Just, could you tell him… uhhh tell him…

Interpreter: …yes?

Theo: In your eyes, the light the heat, in your eyes, I am complete, in your eyes, I see the doorway to a thousand churches, in your eyes...

Interpreter: Good night sir!

Theo:I see the light and the heat in your eyes, OH! I want to be that complete, I want to touch the light, the heat I see in your eyes….in your eyes in your eyeeeeeeeeeeeeees…

Inerpreter: Fruitcake...