Final Score:
Boston Red Sox 1, Chicago White Sox 0
Ok, so Papi didn’t wield the BIG bat tonight (it was just good to see him) and maybe the rejuvenated lineup didn’t have the best night (3 hits), but somebody stepped up when they were needed:
Yes I am talking about Kason “Gabo” Gabbard and his amazing arrays of double plays!
Great night from Gabo and Timlin (combined 4 hitter) and that one run Crisp batted in during the 4th inning held up so I don’t have to make any more empty threats. Life is good.
Along with this win there is a lot of other Sox news coming out this week. Some I care about… some… not so much.
Care: Papi’s return. Thank you lord.
Don’t Care: Trot’s back. Yeah he scored the run today, but isn’t he already packed to leave?
Care: Papelbon JUST has a strained shoulder. The savior may yet rise again.
Don’t Care: Tavarez didn’t tip his cap. Ok… so? He’s crazy! I’m glad he didn’t stab anyone.
Care: Schilling will miss more starts. More tears and fears.
Don’t Care: Manny could be touch and go. Is this mentally or physically?
Care: Called Hansen back up. Prove yourself kid.
Don’t Care: Van Buren DFA’ed. Move yourself (and your 18+ ERA) kid.
Ok enough apathy and sympathy. Beyond my rage/sadness/craziness about this past month I do think there is a chance (however slim… you know… real slim) that the Sox can make the playoffs. Man that looks crazy when you write it down, but I heard somewhere that we should “Keep the Faith”. I think it was a fortune cookie.
Go Sox.
Schadenfreude 359 (A Continuing Series)
2 months ago