Final Score: Boston Red Sox 5, Baltimore Orioles 2
I say a lot of crap on this blog/fansite/sound board/soap box, but I usually can back it up (except for the Bridget Moynahan baby stuff… I apologize to you, Tom Brady and your lawyers).
So it’s rare that I take back the horrible things I say. I may be swayed by good play (Coco was coming around before he got hurt) or awful play (Pedroia still needs to be buried somewhere) but I don’t often do I do a complete 180 on a player just because of one play.
Damn it Wily Mo… you hurt me SO GOOD.
That ball he hit? It bounced off the Hubble Space telescope and landed above the Red Sox bullpen in Camden Yards. Just when we needed him to come out of the strike out phase (yeah he still managed to K tonight) he hits a blast that saves Beckett’s performance, the 5-0 record, the sweep and my sanity. I’m standing right now and giving Wily Modesto Pena (you Baby Huey looking awful center fielder) a slow clap applause for his tremendous homer. This guy is like Joaquin Phoenix in Signs… no he doesn’t have a hair lip… he just swings as hard as he can at every pitch. It feels wrong NOT to swing. My gu-estimate tally on the Wily Mo season? 25 HR, 110 K, 250 AB. Doesn’t leave much room for error does it?
Other than that feat, the rest of the story belongs to the Sox pitching. Beckett got his league leading 5th win with 8 innings of… well… actual pitching! He didn’t rely 100% on his heat and he looked better for it. All that humble pie needs is a cool scoop of Paps being all “I’m the awesome closer” and you got win alamode.
Anyway, I hate short the series. Two 2 game stretches in a row? That’s hardly enough time to learn to hate another team. But it is good to get out of Baltimore and away from that stupid bloody sock thing. That got WAY out of hand. This is the stupidest non news item I have ever heard. Yes I put this up there with Kevin Millar drinking story... there I said it.
Next up is Dice K, Pettitte and… ME!!! Yes I will be there first hand to see Japanese people pass out like they are 1960’s teens and the Beatles just showed up. I just hope another sweep is in the cards.
Schadenfreude 359 (A Continuing Series)
3 months ago