Final Score: Boston Red Sox 6, Seattle Mariners 3
I do love extra-innings victories. Particularly ones with authority, where the Sox score multiple runs and put together a real inning - men on base, multiple hits, maybe a walk or two - making something to really drag out the pain so the opponent doesn't just feel bad for losing, they feel terrible. I'm a little heartless that way. Anyway, our revenge against Seattle is complete, Boston's winning percentage is above .500 at Safeco for the year for the first time since dinosaurs roamed the earth, and the Sox can all go traipsing back to Boston to prepare for this weekend's series. Hurrah.
I'm not such a fan of using the entire bullpen (or about two thirds of the bullpen, anyway) to gain this victory, but I can't complain too loudly on any count: we won, we swept, we returned with our heads held high, and we can hope that the equation X + Y != Z, where X is Beckett pitching after a complete game, Y is a well-used pen coming off a cross-country flight, and Z is a pitching disaster. We might also want to factor in the red hot Yankees and their propensity for chewing up pitching on a normal day, and maybe have a bit of a freak out. I'd prefer to follow the example set by the pre-Fenway red hot Twins, who left with their tails between their legs and have been a .500 team ever since, but we all know that's wishful thinking: there will be a slug fest in here somewhere, and probably a close loss, too. We really have no right to expect anything less.
Schadenfreude 359 (A Continuing Series)
2 months ago