Final Score: Boston Red Sox 6, Texas Rangers 5
Manny was due for a day off and was going to sit on Monday anyway, but after a disputed call in the 2nd (looked low, but might have been strike 3) he decided to sit… well the home plate ump decided… but you know what I mean.
So enter Joe Thurston (who?) and Jed Lowerie (giving Pedroia a night off) and now prepare for a typical “sorry Wake but we ain’t scoring you any runs” type of game.
And that is exactly what it looked like to start. The Rangers Kevin Millwood wasn’t completely dominating, but he was getting out of any jam the Sox put him in. Unlike Wakefield (who went 8 and gave up 5 runs) Millwood would load the bases and get out of it… over and over. 14 left on base by the days end. Almost enough to make you start sniffing glue.
So enter the 7th and it all falls apart for Texas. Millwood gives up a few hits to start the inning, and the bullpen just blows it. That’s right: another Red Sox late rally! Honestly I would feel a little bad for Texas if it wasn’t so goddamn exciting. Pretty much everyone got involved in this win after the 6th inning. All the kids (Jacoby, Lowrie, and pinch hitting Pedroia), super quick running Papi (you have to see it to believe it) and ever patient Drew and Casey led this gutsy powerful comeback. Also, because Wake stuck it out and pitched 8 innings, he was in line for the win as Paps locked it down. Fan-dastic-tastic comeback!
Stay tuned tomorrow, the Sox go for the 4 game sweep with the early Patriots Day game… and I am gonna live blog the bastard. Yep, I am gonna thank the Commonwealth for the day off by drinking beer and watching sports all day. It’s paradise.
Schadenfreude 359 (A Continuing Series)
2 months ago