Final Score:
Boston Red Sox 7, Tampa Bay Devil Rays 3
First, this bit of banter between Eric and Micah:
Micah: you do know its rag on the Sox day right?
Eric: well, it's yankees suck day too
Eric: oh wait
Eric: that's every day
I'm awesome. And so are easy victories over teams like Tampa Bay. Let's face it, folks, there's nothing like scoring cheap debating points about first place position when you're comparing apples to oranges. That said, I'm not going to sneeze on 13 batters retired in a row, or being 8th on the Red Sox all time wins list (for the record, 8th would be 105 wins). Taking a look at Wakefield's stats, it seems slightly incredible that he's been pitching for the Sox since 1995. I guess for me, Wakefield is one of those players who feels like a mainstay while retaining some of that fresh face syndrome.
Mueller is back with a vengeance (3 for 4 last night with an RBI). Nixon is making his triumphal return tonight as DH. Manny is (hopefully) well enough to play the field again. Nomar is rejoining the team in the next series against Toronto (although it's unknown at the moment when he'll start playing). And Johnny Damon (God bless him) managed to avoid taking himself out last night, collision and all. To quote the man himself: "My head keeps getting in the way." It sure does, Johnny. It sure does.
Game 2 tonight, with the Return of the Schill. Let's hope to God that whatever was bothering him last Thursday has gone away - I don't think I could stand another one of those games. In closing, YANKEES SUCK!
Schadenfreude 359 (A Continuing Series)
3 months ago