Final Score:
Boston Red Sox 7, Toronto Blue Jays 4
I believe that’s what the doctor ordered, especially after a loss like last night: early lead of five runs against Faulty Towers, Clement with a strong six innings, bullpen doing a good job closing things out, even with Seanez, who seems to have a clause in his contract where he needs to give up a home run every outing. Seriously, he’s up to one dinger every three times he’s come out of the bullpen. Suggests to me that maybe something’s wrong. We even had some later game excitement with my man Youk hitting a Monster Seat blast to end Towers’ night in the sixth. Good stuff, series split, go team.
Now, let’s talk about Mike Lowell a bit, shall we? Robin and I have come to the conclusion that when Mike Lowell wakes up in the morning, he puts his pants on just like the rest of us, one leg at a time, except once his pants are on, he goes out and hits doubles. When he walks into a bar, what does he order? A double shot. When given the choice between the hot tub occupied by one hot lady and the hot tub with the smokin’ hot twins, by God, he goes for the one with twins. Right now, he’s got so many doubles that he ties Michael Young for the MLB lead with thirteen, including the two he picked up tonight. At the rate he’s going, he’s going to have enough two-baggers for every article written before the start of the season questioning his ability to make a comeback and still have enough left over to make Theo look like that much more of a genius for picking up his contract in the Beckett deal. Heck, even in his best two years for doubles hitting (2002 and 2004) Lowell hit one every four games or so; right now, he’s hitting one exactly every two games. Here’s to conjoined twins!
And my, my, could it be that the founding member of the Rodrigo Lopez Club is in town tomorrow with his fellow Baltimoreans? Against Curt Schilling, you say? On Cinco de Mayo, a holiday Americans took from Lopez’s native Mexico and bastardized into a drinking holiday because we all love an excuse to get plastered? Fascinating. Oh, the correlations are tremendous. GO SOX!!!
Schadenfreude 359 (A Continuing Series)
2 months ago